Our Services
Cyprus Company Formation
Company Formation
Set up a Cyprus Company
Cyprus stands out as one of the most competitive corporate tax jurisdictions.
A fantastic location with developed infrastructure and highly educated personnel. These are combined with the a very attractive tax and financial system, making Cyprus an ideal business destination and a gateway to European Union.
Some of the key reasons to choose Cyprus as your business base:
- Favourable Taxation: Cyprus has one of the lowest corporate tax rates in the European Union at 12.5%.
- Tax Incentives: Foreign investors are exempted from various local taxes even when they are recognised as tax residents (“non domicile” rules exemption on dividends, interest and royalty taxes).
- Dividend payments to non-tax residents are exempted by any withholding taxation.
- Double Taxation Treaties: Cyprus has double tax agreements with more than 61 countries.
- Capital Gains Tax: only on gains from the sale of real estate located in Cyprus. Gains on the sale of shares, overseas property or other assets are not taxed in Cyprus.
- No inheritance or gift tax.
- Personal income tax capped at 35%
- Low operation costs for keeping up a company.
- A fully developed legal system based on British common law principles.
- OECD approved/ EU compliant.
- Geographical Location: situated at the crossroads of Europe, Africa and Asia.
- Growing economy: Cyprus has been enjoying one of the highest growth rates in the EU at 2.9% (2016) and 3.9% (2017).
What our corporate team can do for you:
- Company Incorporation of Companies;
- Administrator/Director services;
- Company Secretary services;
- Company Registered Office;
- Offshore Company Formation;
- International Tax planning;
- Management and Administration services;
- Trust Formation.
General Note: Zeus Administrative Services Ltd as our fiduciary body works under the umbrella of A. Prodromou & Co Ltd.
54 Sittika Hanoum Street
6051, Larnaca, Cyprus