Transfer-Pricing Rules – Simplification measures for low value transactions


The Cyprus Tax Department has issued a new Circular 6/2023 that provides guidance to persons that are exempt from the obligation to maintain local file as a result of the volume of controlled transactions falling below the threshold of €750.000 cumulatively per category of transaction. 

The Circular provides for simplified documentation that is required to be maintained in relation to transactions with connected parties in order to support the arm’s length nature of such transactions.


In addition, the Circular introduces optional simplification measures by the use of safe harbours for certain controlled transactions.


Simplified transfer-pricing minimum documentation requirements


a)       Brief description of the functional analysis (functions, assets, risks).

b)      Description of the profile of the entity based on the functional analysis.

c)       Select the most appropriate transfer-pricing method and document the reasons for selection.

d)      Determination of arm’s length price based on benchmarking study.


Simplification measures – Eligible transactions for safe harbours


1.       Providing loans to connected persons that are financed out of financial means, such as bonds, loans from connected parties and cash advances/loans from credit institutions. Transactions will be considered to be at arm’s length provided that the minimum profit margin is 2,5%, before the deduction of taxes but after the deduction of any expenses incurred wholly and exclusively for the acquisition of the specific income.


2.       Providing loans and cash advances to connected persons to the extent that the loans are financed by own funds, i.e. share capital, share premium or realized profits. Transactions will be considered to be at arm’s length provided that the minimum interest rate is equal to the yield of the 10-year government bond of the country of the borrower (as at 31 December of the previous year) increased by 3,5%, before the deduction of taxes.


3.       Interest bearing loans payable to connected parties to the extent that the funds obtained are used in the business. Transactions will be considered to be at arm’s length provided that the interest rate does not exceed the yield of the 10-year government bond of Cyprus (as at 31 December of the previous year) increased by 1,5%, before the deduction of taxes.


4.       Low value adding services. Sush are considered services of supporting character, that are not related to the basic activities of the group, that do not make use of unique IPs or create unique and valuable IPs and do not involve the undertaking of substantial risk or do not create substantial risk to the service provider. Transactions will be considered to be at arm’s length provided that the minimum mark-up applied is 5% of the costs incurred. For the receipt of services acceptable markup should not exceed 5% on the relevant expenses.






A company that opts safe harbours for the transactions in categories 1, 2 and 3 above will need to prepare the following additional documentation and support:


a)       Brief description of the functional analysis (functions, assets, risks).

b)      Description of the profile of the entity based on the functional analysis.

c)       Detailed description of the loans for which the simplification measures are applied (dates of the agreements, amounts, balances at the end of the tax year, date of repayment, collaterals, interest rates, details of any amendments).

d)      Description of the reasons that explain/ justify that the transactions are eligible under the simplification measures (as applicable for each transaction).

e)      Preparation of calculations, reconciliations and explanations in respect of the application of the simplification measures on the controlled transactions for the purpose of determination of taxable profit.


A company that opts safe harbours for the transactions in category 4 above will need to prepare the following additional documentation and support:


a)       Brief description of the functional analysis (functions, assets, risks).

b)      Description of the profile of the entity based on the functional analysis.

c)       Description of categories of low value adding services provided/received.

d)      IDs of the beneficiaries.

e)      Description of the reasons that justify how each category of such services qualifies as low value-adding service.

f)        Description of selected allocation keys for expenses and relevant workings in regard to their application.

g)       Calculations that support allocation of relevant costs on which mark-up is applied.

h)      Preparation of calculations, reconciliations and explanations in respect of the application of the simplification measures on the controlled transactions for the purpose of determination of taxable profit.




Entities that opt for safe harbour rules for eligible transactions must declare it to the Tax Department by completing the relevant section on the annual income tax return.


The minimum documentation as explained in the Circular must be provided to the Tax Department within 60 days from request.


It is noted that election of safe harbour rules in respect of cross border transactions shall trigger reporting obligation under DAC6 (with the exemption of the safe harbour on low value adding services).



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